The course provides basic knowledge on Legislative Decree 231/01 and specific knowledge on the related application and management procedure in the relevant corporate context.


50 minutes


  • Introduction to Legislative Decree 231/2001
  • Entity's liability
  • Field of application
  • Responsible subjects
  • The most relevant "predicate crimes" for the reference sector
  • Consequences for the entity
  • Applicable sanctions
  • Corporate Organizational Model
  • Whistleblowing
  • Corporate Supervisory Body
    * Any additional content

It is possible to integrate the course with a personalized part lasting approximately 20 minutes runtime (approx. 15 slides) regarding:

  • The Organizational Model
  • The Code of Ethics
  • The specifications of the Supervisory Body specific to the Company.


The course is aimed at owners, administrators, managers or employees who - for reasons of regulatory or corporate organizational compliance - must receive training and information on this topic


At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance will be issued which can be downloaded directly from the platform.


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