Gender equality course, designed to provide workers of different roles and levels with an in-depth understanding of gender equality.

The course examines historical roots, current regulations, and practical strategies to promote an inclusive work environment.

Through a series of interactive content, we will explore together how to challenge stereotypes, understand the laws that protect gender equality and create a workplace that values diversity and inclusion.

Upon completion of the course, users will be able to recognize and counteract gender stereotypes and promote equality in the workplace .


History and legislation on gender equality

  • Introduction
  • The Equal Opportunities Code
  • Gender quotas
  • The 2030 agenda
  • The transformation of the company

Gender equality in the workplace

  • Introduction
  • Bias-free selection processes

Gender stereotypes and prejudices

  • Introduction
  • The most widespread gender stereotypes in the workplace
  • Strategies to identify and overcome gender stereotypes
  • Focus: the visual representation of women

Promotion of an inclusive work environment

  • Introduction
  • Empathetic and respectful communication
  • Focus: inclusive communication

Food for thought

A constant commitment


At the end of the course it will be possible to receive a certificate that can be downloaded directly from the platform.


E-learning courses made just for you!

The catalogs are tight, and you deserve just something special? Then even the elearning courses we develop them tailored to your users, starting from your content, and with graphics designed specifically for your company.

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